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The National Institute of Painting and Decorating is an incorporated non-profit organisation for the painting and decorating industry. It is run by a board of directors with a wide range of experience from across the industry. All members must be fully qualified painters and training professionals, and includes painting consultants, assessors, and specialists.
The National Institute of Painting and Decorating is the peak professional body for the Australian and Pacific painting industry. It is a collaboration between several leading painting industry consultants and is designed to improve the professionalism of the industry. It provides painters, RTOs, consumers and trainers with up to date information and advice on;
  • The latest paint technology
  • National Workplace Health and Safety legislation
  • Australian and International Standards
  • Licensing requirements
  • Nationally recognised training qualifications
  • Business Development
  • Employment and Professional Development
  • On-line and E-Learning Training Resources
  • Apprenticeships

About the National Painting & Decorating Institute

Meet the Team

Michael Farrugia

Course Design

James Baker

Business and Estimating Trainer

Daniel Wurm

Course Design and Trainer

Marcin Antosz

NSW Manager and Trainer

Matthew Burkett

Paint and Coatings Inspector

Paul Jones

Technical writer

Neil Mc Fadzen

Paint Inspector and Protective Coatings Consultant

Lance Futcher

Paint and Coatings Inspector

Contact the Institute here.